Laila Pierce Art
Power is used to create disparities between individuals and as a means of control. Using animals in her works, Laila portrays power dynamics and lived experiences by utilizing more instinctual reactions created by wildlife. Forcing confrontation between the subjects within her pieces which creates narratives of life, death, and anger while others take you to another world. While using symbolism of wildlife in her pieces to mimic human experience, she explores how different mediums affect her narratives. While exploring the symbolic reasons behind certain experiences or connecting them to her identity as a Munsee-Delaware artist, she brings forced viewing of uncomfortable experiences in life from family dynamics and disputes to reconciling with her heritage. Moving from mediums like oil pastel to watercolor she carefully crafts and toys around with the mediums to create pieces that create her own inner world and force them into the physical. Laila Prides herself on being able to create pieces that depict how she experiences and views life in unique depictions of medium exploration.
Instagram Account: lailapierceart