Mackenzee Neithercut
Within the art world, there are many people who take their works and practices extremely seriously. Every little thing must be in tip top shape, and no standard can ever be too high. The artist is not one of those people. When it comes to her work, the artist takes pride in the little things. Instead of focusing on more serious aspects, she finds herself drawn to the more silly and fun. She greatly enjoys spending time working with a multitude of mediums and materials to make her cute little trinkets and artworks. The artist prefers to focus on her process of creating and whether or not she is genuinely having fun, rather than holding so much worry towards the final product. At the end of the day, one of the biggest rewards she finds with her work is seeing just how big of a change something so simple can make in someone’s day.
Instagram Account: @Frooty.Loopyz
Website/Portfolio: @FrootyLoopyz on Etsy