Shop at Show + Sale

1300+ Attendees Annually
Winter Market Countdown
Its almost time for the Winter Market! All ticket sales contribute and fund raise for student scholarships!

Special Events at the Winter Market
Friday First Look
Get access to opening night with first pick at the market’s best work at Winter Market First Look.
Make sure to stop by the Photo booth while you explore the Winter Market! Strike a pose, and have a dedicated photographer capture the moment. Take your printed & digital photos home instantly!
Complimentary canapes will be served alongside a candy bar in partnership with Gummi Boutique!
Saturday Family Day
We will be hosting four spectacular art demonstrations for public viewing from printmaking, collaging, soapstone carving and live painting!
Visit The Lounge and warm up with a coffee and hot chocolate cart in partnership with Kaffeeklatsch!
Entry is Free! Of course, we still welcome cash donations and non-perishable food donations for our Student Community Pantry!